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Everything students and prospective students need to know about the profession, our curriculum, our campus, student life, and the admissions process.

COVID related news from CMCC

Recent News

Rehabilitation Certification

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Receive a Rehabilitation and Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) Certificate
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Congratulations to Dr. Anthony (Tony) Tibbles

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Congratulations to Dr. Anthony (Tony) Tibbles who was awarded a Platinum Jubilee medal and pin “in recognition of individuals who have made significan...
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Introducing The Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction, an online course

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From March 2020 to April 2021, there were over 6,900 apparent opioid toxicity deaths in Canada and over 75,600 in the United States, the highest annua...
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About CMCC

CMCC is an academic institution offering undergraduate degree and postgraduate and continuing education programs in chiropractic campus, student life, and the admissions process.

CMCC Library

Image Gallery

Google Street View tour of CMCC

Take a tour with Google Street View

Patient Experience Survey

Patient Experience Survey


Everything students and prospective students need to know about the profession, our curriculum, our campus, student life, and the admissions process.

Thank you for your interest in applying to CMCC. The application for 2023-2024 general entry admission is available until November 15, 2022.

COVID related news from CMCC

Recent News

Rehabilitation Certification

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Receive a Rehabilitation and Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) Certificate
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Congratulations to Dr. Anthony (Tony) Tibbles

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Congratulations to Dr. Anthony (Tony) Tibbles who was awarded a Platinum Jubilee medal and pin “in recognition of individuals who have made significan...
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Introducing The Role of Chiropractic in Opioid Use Reduction, an online course

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From March 2020 to April 2021, there were over 6,900 apparent opioid toxicity deaths in Canada and over 75,600 in the United States, the highest annua...
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About CMCC

CMCC is an academic institution offering undergraduate degree and postgraduate and continuing education programs in chiropractic campus, student life, and the admissions process.

CMCC Library

Image Gallery

Google Street View tour of CMCC

Take a tour with Google Street View

Patient Experience Survey

Patient Experience Survey