CMCC's Students' Council represents student interests in two ways: by acting as a liaison among students, administration and faculty; and by coordinating social and athletic programs and clubs that support a wide variety of interests.
Through Students' Council members or their designates, the students have representation on almost all College committees. The Council also appoints student members to various CMCC committees, and a faculty liaison – the Director of Student Services – advises the Council on administrative developments at CMCC. This ensures coordination among the many activities of the students, faculty and staff.
Find more about Students' Council on their webpage https://www.facebook.com/cmcc6100/
Office: 230a, Telephone: 416 482 2340 ext. 162, sc@cmcc.ca
2023-2024 CMCC Students' Council
President: | Sandra Rabah | president.sc@cmcc.ca |
Vice President, Academic: | Madina Sahar | vpacademic.sc@cmcc.ca |
Vice President, Student Life: | Louisa Esangbedo | vpstudentlife.sc@cmcc.ca |
Treasurer: | Shea Forner-Walker | treasurere.sc@cmcc.ca |
Secretary: | Eric LeDreff-Kerwin | secretary.sc@cmcc.ca |
Social Director: | Hano Ali | social.sc@cmcc.ca |
Publicity Director: | Christina McArthur | sc@cmcc.ca |
Athletic Directors: | Christopher Aspiras, Jaden Harms | athletics.sc@cmcc.ca |
Yearbook Directors: | Natalie Alvares, Monica Patel | yearbook.sc@cmcc.ca |
Class Rep Year IV: | Gabrielle Fuerth, Eitan Cohe | classreps2023@cmcc.ca |
Class Rep Year III: | Adrianna Ward, Jacob McDonald | classreps2024@cmcc.ca |
Class Rep Year II: | Dannika Hetu, Kristopher Lalonde | classreps2025@cmcc.ca |
Class Rep Year I: | TBD | classreps2026@cmcc.ca |