Symptom change, including adverse events, following chiropractic care during pregnancy: an observational study

Principal Investigators: 

Dr. Carol Ann Weis: cweis@cmcc.ca647-805-1743

Dr. Katherine Pohlman: – 419-733-1129

Co-Investigators: Drs. Diane Grondin, Sidney Rubinstein, Martha Funabashi

Project Coordinator: Dr. Joyce Lee: - 647-265-4211

What are we doing? 

This study aims to better understand how pregnant patients' symptoms change after a chiropractic visit, identify what are the chief complaints pregnant women present to chiropractic offices and what types of treatment chiropractors provide to pregnant patients. This study will support patient safety within the chiropractic profession as well as clinicians to be proactive in advancing patient safety within their offices.

Why are we doing it?

Musculoskeletal pain is a common occurrence during pregnancy.1,2 The pain can be considered debilitating and interfere with many aspects of daily life. Many primary healthcare providers consider pain during pregnancy to be normal with little to no treatment suggestions to manage this pain.2 It is important that healthcare professionals establish the safety profiles for the various treatment options. Therefore, there is a great need to better understand chiropractic care in the pregnant population by conducting a study that can significantly contribute to better understanding benefits and/or safety concerns among this population.

How are we doing it?

We are looking for licensed chiropractors in a Canadian Provice or US state who:

  1. Work within a specialty pregnancy clinic or regularly treat pregnant patients (at least 3 pregnant patients per month); and
  2. in good standing with the regulatory board and have proficient knowledge of the English language.

Participating chiropractors are asked to collect data from 15 unique pregnant patients (≥18 gestational weeks). This data will capture change in symptoms experienced by patients following a chiropractic visit, including potential adverse events (worsened or new symptoms).

Patients will be asked to participate only one time in this study. For each participating patient, three electronic surveys will be asked to be completed: before, immediately after treatment and 2-7 days after treatment.

For each patient, you will be asked to complete one survey immediately after the patient's treatment to provide information about the treatment you provided. If an adverse event identified by you or your patients (and to which your patients agreed to have you reviewing their information) there will be one additional online questionnaire.

This active surveillance reporting system study is highly valuable as it provides not only the number of patients who reported adverse events, but also the ones who did not. By having these numbers, it is possible to have a better estimation of the adverse event occurrence rates following chiropractic care.


If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact the study coordinator Dr. Joyce Lee at or the principal investigators ( or


  1. Stuber KJ, Wynd S, Weis CA. Adverse events from spinal manipulation in the pregnant and postpartum periods: a critical review of the literature. Chiropr Man Therap. 2012;20:8‐.
  2. Weis CA, Suber KJ, Murnaghan K, S W. Adverse events from spinal manipulations in the pregnant and posptartum periods: a systematic review and update. J Can Chiro Assoc. 2021;65(1):32‐49.
  3. Sadr S, Pourkiani‐Allah‐Abad N, Stuber K. The treatment experience of patients with low back pain during pregnancy and their chiropractors: a qualitative study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2012;20(1):32-9.

If you are interested in participating, please complete this Interest Form