Mark Fillery, MHSc
image of Mark Fillery


CMCC Phone #: 647-805-2022

Social Media: LinkedIn @mfillery11 @CMCCResearch

Accepting Students for supervision:

Looking for faculty collaborators:

Looking to join a research project as a team member:

Research Interests/Topics

  • Chiropractic
  • Public Health
  • Pain
  • Qualitative
  • Statistics
  • Mixed Methods
  • Patient Preferences


I have been working at CMCC since 2004 and offering services to CMCC researchers since 2006. After completing my master’s degree in 2018, I broadened my capacity as a team member to include methodological functions such as project design and analysis. As I am not a chiropractor, I believe my research efforts can make the greatest impact on the profession by helping to envision the patient’s perspective in clinical encounters, and understanding service utilization. Before being involved in health care research, my primary interests lay in social sciences. I would like to continue using the skills I have acquired in modelling systems and mapping collaborations to aid in capacity-building. I hope this will enable new researchers to address research gaps that can improve health care delivery in an optimized, interprofessional format.



The lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) program for marginalized older adults at the Rekai Centre.

The development of the Diminishment of Expression of Personal and Inherent Values (DEPrIVe) Scale, a novel patient questionnaire assessing impacts of pain on the expression of personal values.

The Global Chiropractic Research Enterprise.

Agency/Organization: :Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF)
Title: The development of the Diminishment of Expression of Personal and Inherent Values (DEPrIVe) Scale, a novel patient questionnaire assessing impacts of pain on the expression of personal values.
Role: Co-investigator

Agency/Organization: :Toronto Rotary Club; University of Toronto; CCRF
Title: The lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) program for marginalized older adults at the Rekai Centre.
Role: Co-investigator