CMCC Phone #: 416-893-0447
Social Media: LinkedIn
Accepting Students for supervision: ✓
Looking for faculty collaborators: ✓
Looking to join a research project as a team member: ✓
Role: Supervisor Level: Undergraduate Student Name: Hayford Adomah Institution: CMCC Thesis/Project Title: Multiple-Choice Tests: To Change or Not to Change? This is the question.
Role: Supervisor Level: Undergraduate Student Name: Julian RiosGarcia Institution: CMCC Thesis/Project Title: The Effect of Trans Cutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulus (TENS) on TNF-alpha in somatic cell hybrid of a rat embryonic dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and mouse neuroblastoma cell line F11
Multiple-Choice Tests: To Change or Not to Change? This is the question
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation-like Downregulates Interleukin-1 Beta, looking at MicroRNA and their interaction in the inflammatory and pro inflammatory cascade.
Planned activities:
Checking mir-181b-1, mir-10 and mir-124 for interaction possibly blocking the p65 NFkB unit.
Once a micro RNA that is blocking the NFkB sub unit is found within our cell culture, inflammatory cytokines will be measured before and after TENS.
Faculty of Science, at the Ontario Tech
Agency/Organization: CMCC Title: Investigation of the ERK Signaling Pathway in F11-cells after TENS application Role: Author