Carol Ann Weis, MSc
image of CarolAnnWeis


CMCC Phone #: 647 265 4192

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Accepting Students for supervision:

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Looking to join a research project as a team member:

Research Interests/Topics

  • Womens's Health
  • Adverse Evebts
  • Chiropractic
  • Spinal manipulative therapy
  • Manual therapy
  • Low back pain
  • Mixed methods
  • Rehabilitation


Dr.Weis practices at a busy interprofessional clinic in mid-town Toronto. She graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a BA (Hons) in Physical Education (1992), an MSc in Kinesiology (1997) and from CMCC in 2008.

In addition to her private practice, Carol Ann is an Associate Professor at CMCC where she lectures and conducts research on back pain in the pregnant and postpartum populations, is the course coordinator and main lecturer for Female Care, Chair of the Clincal Diagnosis Department and works as an occasional clinical supervisor at CMCC.

She is an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at McMaster University. She has presented her research at a number of conferences nationally and internationally, published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals has co-authored the book “The Athletic Mom-to-Be: Training Your Way into Pregnancy”.

She was awarded 2020 the Ontario Chiropractic Association’s inaugural Research and Academic Award.



Role: Supervisor
Level: Resident
Student Name: Rachel Levy
Institution: Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Thesis/Project Title: Understanding the characteristics of pregnant patients who seek chiropractic care and practices of the chiropractors who treat them

  1. Symptom change, including adverse events, following chiropractic care during pregnancy: an observational study. (ongoing)
  2. Manikin simulators for pregnant patients: Development and perception. (ongoing)
  3. Adverse events from spinal manipulations in the pregnant and postpartum periods: an update. (update ongoing)
  4. The short-term effects of taping
  5. On pregnancy-related low back pain, pregnancy pain and combined pain. (re-newing)

Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct)
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
McMaster University

Katie Pohlman, Director of Research, Parker University
Dallas, Texas

Jon Barrett, Professor and FL Johnson Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gyencology
McMaster University, Hamilton ON

Judith Peranson, Staff Physician and Assistant Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
St. Michael’s Hospital and University of Toronto

Cecilia Bergstrom, Research Assistant
Umea University, Sweden

Victoria Landsman
Institute for Work & Health, Toronto, ON

Agency/Organization: CMCC internal funding Association, British Columbia Chiropractic Association
Title: Manikin simulators for pregnant patients Development and perception. (October 2023)
Role: Investigator

Agency/Organization: Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation/CMCC internal grant
Title: Symptom change, including adverse events, following chiropractic care during pregnancy: an observational study
Role: Co-Principal Investigator