Welcome to the E-Resources Portal page, your access point for all of CMCC’s licensed databases, online journals and other electronic resources.
Featuring the complete contents of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.Access and access to more than 75 medical titles, updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files as well as time-saving diagnostic and point-of-care tools.
Companion App:
Create a personal account within the IP range of the institution (while at CMCC).
In order to maintain uninterrupted access, we recommend you use your CMCC e-mail address to create your MyAccess account and log in while on campus at least once every 90 days.
Online version of the popular DVD anatomy series, the Video Atlas provides an appreciation of the human body and a direct understanding of the mechanics of body movement. Google Chrome is recommended.
AMED is a specialized bibliographic database designed for physicians, therapists, medical researchers, historians and clinicians looking to learn more about alternative and allied therapies and related subjects.
Subjects include complementary and alternative medicine, fibromyalgia, occupational therapy, palliative care, physiotherapy, podiatry, rehabilitation, speck and language therapy.
Alt Healthwatch is a full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies.
Subjects include acupuncture, aromatherapy, bodywork, childbirth, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, creative therapies, cross-cultural therapies, energy medicine, herbalism, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, naturopathy, nutrition, osteopathy
The LWW Health Library Anatomical Sciences Collection provides online access to eBooks such as Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, Grant’s Dissector, Langman’s Medical Embryology, and many more.
An abstracting and indexing database covering the behavioral and social sciences from the American Psychological Association (APA).
Your guide to CMCC and free online anatomy resources.
View and manipulate images representing different anatomical regions and specialities.
The archives database is a searchable database containing records of all CMCC and private records held in the CMCC Health Sciences Library. New content is added on a regular basis.
Head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques featuring over eight hours of video content.
Best Practice brings together regularly updated research evidence and guidelines with peer-reviewed expert opinion. Includes unlimited access to all content; remotely and from mobile devices
Companion App:
Create a personal account within the IP range of the institution (while at CMCC).
A database of “best-practice” knowledge accessing valuable clinical, business and marketing resources for building an exceptional practice by focusing on patient care. Sign up for free student and faculty access.
CINAHL is a comprehensive research database focused on nursing and allied health journals.
Search the library’s holdings of books, print journals and audio-visual materials.
You can now access your personal library account and see what items you have out, items you have on hold and status of money owing. Use the dropdown menu under My Account in the toolbar to access My Checkouts, My Charges and My Holds. The system will prompt you for a userid/password. Use your student number for both.
A collection of databases comprised of systematic reviews, abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations, and individual clinical trials.
Companion App:
All content in the app is free and new issues will download regularly.
Student access:
Open Settings, My Account and enter the Redeem Code.
Contact us for student redeem code and faculty access.
Your guide to CMCC and free online consumer health resources.
Video detailing the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion resources available in our library collections.
A clinical reference tool created by physicians for use primarily at the 'point-of-care'.
Companion App:
Create a personal account by using the "Sign In/Create Account" link in the top toolbar of the screen while at CMCC (within the IP range of the institution).
Award-winning interactive atlas of human anatomy. Explore over 5400 anatomic structures and more than 375 000 medical labels. Images in: CT, MRI, Radiographs, Anatomic diagrams and nuclear images.
Companion App:
Register for a free account on their website, then install the latest version of an e-Anatomy app on your device (Apple or Google Play), log in using your Imaios account while being connected on the institution activated network.
Note however: You must be connected on the institution wifi in order to access to their institutional subscription. It will not work off campus.
Search CMCC's collection of e-books via EBSCOhost, our EBSCO databases interface to access full text titles in anatomy, biochemistry, medical imaging, sports sciences and other subject areas.
You can also access our e-books through our library catalogue (OPAC). Search the catalogue as you would for any other type of resource or limit your search by media to "e-book". Use the electronic resource link in the catalogue record to take you to your e-book full text content.
You can now access some of the titles in the library's Reserve colleciton as e-books. Use the E-Books on Reserve link and select the Books tab.Our Reserve e-book titles:
Clinical Epidemiology: How to Do Clinical Practice Research; Essentials of Skeletal Radiology; Macnab's Backache; Photographic Manual of Regional Orthopaedic and Neurological Tests; Pocket Manual of Differential Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioner's Manual.
Research Databases
Search across our collection of biomedical, nursing, sports medicine, psychology and alternative medicine databases containing full text journal articles, abstracts and bibliographic citations.
EBSCOhost Companion App:
The iOS version of the EBSCOhost App is available as a free download from iTunes at: EBSCOhost App on iTunes
The iOS version of the EBSCOhost App is available as a free download from Google Play at: EBSCOhost App on Google Play
To authenticate the EBSCOhost app:
1. Go to your preferred EBSCOhost database as you normally would through the CMCC library site.
2. Click the EBSCOhost iPhone and Android Applications link at the bottom of the page and enter an email address which you can access from your device. An email with an authentication key is sent to you.
Access the email from your device and click the link found in the email to authenticate the application. You have 24 hours to access the key from your device to authenticate the app. If the key is not used within 24 hours, it expires and you will need a new key.
Search the Library’s collection of journals or browse titles by discipline.
Reference management software available on all library workstations.
The LibGuide provides a broad variety of materials on the topic of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in healthcare.
The LibGuide provides a collection of CMCC and free online resources relevant to each step of the EBP process.
Featuring the complete contents of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.
A free, searchable database of articles from peer reviewed chiropractic journals, as well as a Web site containing links to high quality online health and medical resources.
MEDLINE is an authoritative bibliographic database containing citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers.
MEDLINE with Full Text is an indispensable tool for medical research providing full text for top biomedical and health journals. These journals contain information needed by doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers.
Thieme's collection of 100 E-textbooks including test-prep titles and atlases of anatomy.
Companion App:
Create a personal account by using the "Sign up for access from home" link within the institution network (while at CMCC).
Thieme's complete radiology book program of over 185 E-books as well as 3,250 interactive case studies from the RadCases collection.
Companion App:
Create a personal account by using the "Sign up for access from home" link within the institution network (while at CMCC).
A comprehensive medical information source covering thousands of topics in all fields of medicine. They are offered as a free public service to health care professionals and the general public.
Mind the Gap is a handbook of resources and pictures of how clinical signs and symptoms present in black and brown skin.
High quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.
Your guide to CMCC and free online neurology and neuroanatomy resources.
The Web of Neurology
Your research guide to CMCC and free online nutrition resources and apps.
OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. It is a free database with records for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world.
OrthoEvidence is the mobile-friendly online source for high quality and timely orthopaedic–only evidence-based summaries, pre-appraised by orthopaedic medical experts.
Remote access: Use your cmcc.ca email address at the Sign Up button to create a new OE account for off-campus access.
Your research guide to CMCC and free online orthopedic resources and apps.
An easy to use interface for searching MEDLINE's over 20 million references to journal articles. More advanced searching options than EBSCO Medline.
A dynamic nutrition subscription service developed by the Dietitians of Canada to address the broad spectrum of practice in nutrition and dietetics.
Your research guide to CMCC and free online physical therapy resources and apps.
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is an essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. It provides hundreds of full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in APA PsycInfo. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
Use the Full Text Finder icon to access our licensed journal full text. The enhanced PubMed now enables CMCC students and faculty to use an online ILL submit form to request document delivery if full text to our journal content is not available. Use the “Submit an ILL request for this item” link to make a document delivery request.
Your guide to CMCC and free online diagnostic imaging resources and apps.
A clinical reference tool comprised of information about diseases and conditions, drug information, patient education, exercise images and practice resource.
Created for sports medicine and physical therapy students and researchers, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source offers full-text sports medicine and rehabilitation journals, trade publications and magazines.
Created for sports medicine and physical therapy students and researchers, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source offers full-text sports medicine and rehabilitation journals, trade publications and magazines.
Your research guide to CMCC and free online sports medicine resources and apps.
A free clinical database for finding high quality research evidence to support evidence-based practice.