Best Practice brings together regularly updated research evidence and guidelines with peer-reviewed expert opinion. Includes unlimited access to all content; remotely and from mobile devices.
Create a personal account within the IP range of the institution (while at CMCC).
A clinical reference tool created by physicians for use primarily at "point-of-care".
Companion App:
Create a personal account by using the "Sign In/Create Account" link in the top toolbar of the screen while at CMCC (within the IP range of the institution).
OrthoEvidence is the mobile-friendly online source for high quality and timely orthopaedic–only evidence-based summaries, pre-appraised by orthopaedic medical experts.
Remote access: Use your email address at the Sign Up button to create a new OE account for off-campus access.
High quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.