Mary-Irene Parker, BEd, DC, MA

Faculty photo

Title: Board Member


Dr. Parker graduated from CMCC in 1983 after receiving a BEd and MA. While in practice she was certified and involved as an athletic trainer, coach, organizer and district coordinator for softball and slo-pitch, a volunteer First Aid, Chiropractic at the Canada Games in Halifax and Sports First Responder at the Pan Am Games in Toronto. Her governing board experience includes serving the Nova Scotia (NS) chiropractic organizations in all offices culminating with President, as NS representative to the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA), and as Vice President of the NS branch of the Canadian Council of Chiropractic Sports Sciences. Dr. Parker received numerous awards including a Certificate of Merit for community contributions through sports from the Government of Canada, a Chiropractic Award of Excellence from the CCA, and several from the NS chiropractic organizations including Chiropractor of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award.